We live in amazing and complicated times.
The holidays are a time of love and joy for some, disappointments and despair for others. We debate over the right to say Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays.
It’s a time for generosity and giving, or, a time of greed and materialism. We travel the world to experience the beauty of nature and cause ecological destruction as we do it.
It’s a time to enjoy homemade treats and large family meals, or a time to make ourselves ill through overindulgence in alcohol, sugar, carbs and bad fats🤪. We want to stay connected with loved ones through texts and photos or we want to stay present and leave the phones turned off.
If you think too much you could go crazy.
This December a sponge sloth named Jeff captivated the hearts of students and teachers at the Yoga Centre Winnipeg. Granted, Jan, owner and pillar of the Yoga Centre Winnipeg, was taking a few weeks off, so all the love people generally show Jan had to go somewhere….. in comes Jeff!
Jeff was a gift from Claire.
He showed up as a very small hard vaguely sloth shaped creature, with a big smile a bright eyes. The promise was that he would slowly grow to 6 times his size if put in water.
Immediately people’s minds, hearts, and imaginations were engaged and expanding!
Would he grow too big for his container?
Would he grow too big for his container?
Would it break? Would water leak all over the computer desk?
Would someone come in one morning to find Jeff had overtaken the lobby – or would he be running the computers and helping at the front desk!!
Each day people came in and monitored his progress!
They greeted him with the same warmth they would would a human! “hi Jeff” – “how’s Jeff today?” – “how did Jeff move up the corporate ladder so quickly?’” Jeff needs a mat!!! etc. etc..
Admittedly, there were a few: “who’s Jeff?”Or “when do I get to meet him!?” (perhaps hoping for a handsome new teacher- only to find a smile in a jar of water instead!).
We used Jeff’s posture to help us with our yoga alignment, and he reminded us to take it slow and easy over the holidays. He even joined the Winter Kaiut Sadhana – and gave participants a big smile when they were “walking out” their practice.
The response could have been disdain- “enough with the sponge sloth, already” or just a frown - but honestly, even the most serious of folks cracked a smile in his presence.
The extra special thing about Jeff is his smile – sponge or not he is the embodiment of love, joy and playful presence! As someone pointed out he will be here long after we are all gone!
Jeff’s work is done for now. He is taking a break from the vase, and has settled back to his original size.
We’ll see him again – but in the meantime, the love, joy and magic of Jeff lives within us all!!!
All we need to do is breath into our heart space and remember Jeff’s smile (or the smile of anyone we love)!
Once you feel it - breath it into your whole body and hold it there.
When you are full of love you cannot help but radiate it out.
Just like the plastic sponge Jeff is made of, that love, presence and joy is indestructible and you can make it expand when you choose (just by hopping in a glass of water😉).
Wishing all love, joy, lightness of spirit, strength, peace and wellbeing in 2020