Tuesday 31 August 2021

My yoga journey throughout the pandemic


 Yoga for me is something I enjoy doing in a group. I love being around people and sharing my practice with others. I do not practice alone and I love to take classes. When I decided to do the yoga teacher training, I was excited to meet other like-minded people and learn how to lead a class so I could share this with my high school students.


When COVID-19 hit, I was thinking it was going to last a couple of weeks and then life would go back to normal. 18 months later, it is still not over. I haven’t done a whole lot of yoga over this past year. I did try an on-line class but I missed being with other people. That said, my on-line teacher training has been surprisingly enjoyable. Through break-out rooms on Zoom, I have been able to meet and collaborate with others.


Although, this year I have not done a lot of yoga, I look forward to taking a lot of in-person classes this month and fall. One thing this pandemic has taught me is that for me yoga really is a group activity and I need to be with others to practice.