Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Why I Do Yoga

Why do I practice yoga?
Simply put I practice yoga because it makes me feel great.  I could go on an on forever about the benefits I see with a regular commitment to yoga, but I will keep it short and explain a few benefits from being introduced to yoga that I feel now occurs in my daily life.
For starters, yoga has shown me a very important exercise I never really saw as an “exercise” before, breathing.  Even just breathing and concentrating on my breath during a meditation just for a minute has had me realize patience and calmness in myself.  The obvious positive benefits from yoga I feel worth sharing is the way you feel after and during a practice, whether that be a hardcore hot yoga class or a more relaxing class either one gives you that amazing feeling everyone should experience at least once!

I have realized yoga has given me a better approach to myself, both mentally and psychically.  For a long time I have not been happy with many things about myself and yoga has helped me understand my body better and appreciate myself the way I should and with that followed a happier me :) 

As cheesy as it can sound yoga can help you see things in yourself that you never knew you had for example the gentle/calm sensation during a meditation and experiencing total stillness throughout your whole body is a crazy feeling, sure you may think sitting still is very easy and thats what I had thought until I practiced and I was very wrong!! Complete stillness even during a shavasana can be very difficult but when you do experience that it is easily the most relaxing feeling in the world.  An important thing to note with my experience in yoga is my posture.  For the longest time I have had the absolute worst posture and with yoga I have seen improvement in my posture as it make a great difference.  In my opinion I practice yoga for many reasons.  I'm not the type of person to go lift weights at a gym or run on a treadmill for an hour instead I would rather spend that hour doing a work out I enjoy.  Not only is yoga a great work out on many levels I find so many positive outcomes.  A big positive outcome I find yoga helps with is stress.  After having a long day of either work, school, or anything for that matter a yoga class is the best way to end your day feeling rejuvenated, stress-free, and all around happier.  

Like I said you can go on about the positive outcomes of a regular commitment to yoga but I thought I would share the main reasons I enjoy yoga and the advantages I receive from it.  Like I said those are my top reasonings in practicing yoga, the perks that come along with that just make it that much better.
Regan Martin
Regan is enrolled in the Yoga Centre Winnipeg 200hr Teacher Training Program

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