Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Why I love Coming to the Yoga Centre Winnipeg

We asked our students to tell us why they loved coming to the Yoga Centre winnipeg- all of the answers have been very beautiful and inspiring, but we decided to post some of our longer ones on our blog.

The next series of blogs are from our members. We post them with much gratitude for their deep and thoughtful sharing and appreciation!

I have a long history of scoliosis and have lived with chronic back, hip and leg pain for many years. There were regular visits to a chiropractor and then visits to a massage therapist which really helped control the issues but they kept telling me that if I don't do some stretching, as in yoga, I am going to seize up!!!! I was terrified to practice yoga as I thought it would hurt my back again since I had a very bad experience with yoga at a community program. My daughter who is a yoga teacher in Vancouver searched out suitable studios for me to go to and decided that Yoga Centre Winnipeg was just right for me!

Then I started the process of persuading and encouraging myself to attend a class at the studio. Accomplishing that was a major feat! I was terrified to say the least! I decided to give it a try and it has changed my life forever! I spent one year in a beginner’s class with Jan and she taught me so many things and was an amazing influence on me, always encouraging and helpful especially for pose modifications for my back. In fact I did not want to move on to any other class because she made me feel so comfortable and my back felt so good. It was fabulous. With encouragement from her that I could do this, I did move on to many classes with a range of poses and difficulties that I would work on. This has been such a positive experience for me with positive outcomes. I have also taken meditation classes with Shawna which was life changing for me as I have never done anything like that before and it has helped me deal with so many issues in my life. I have also recommended it to many people I know. Also I have participated in Kirtans which I so love and have learned about the spiritual side of yoga and myself. The breathing techniques have also helped me immensely in my day to day activities.

For many years now I have attended Yoga Centre Winnipeg on a regular basis and have become a much better person physically, emotional and spiritually for it. Yoga is part of my life now and for the future, it maintains me physically at home and at the studio. I take it with me when I travel and it is much better than taking pain medications. It is not a "fad" yoga at this studio but rather a lifestyle change and I am so grateful that I have found this wonderful paradise on earth with such knowledgeable instructors that have helped me so much. Thank you.

Yours in Yoga
Karen B.

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